Crossing the Rip

Navigating the Rip

Online Course

Navigating the Rip is one of boating’s big challenges. It can be a doddle one day, and be like the gates of hell the next. But, in the right boat, at the right time, under the right conditions, using the right channel it is possible to have a safe and straight forward crossing. 

This online course on Navigating the Rip is a low cost, accessible and comprehensive introduction to making this crossing. It presents lessons on the hydrography, charts, channels, leads, currents and shipping. There are downloadable resources, including a printable illustrated summary that is a useful aid for when you cross. The course equips you to make informed decisions about whether to cross the Rip, and if so, when, and using which channel. A quiz at the end helps you test your knowledge and identify any gaps.

We break from the conventional wisdom which dictates ‘Four Fingers West’ as the preferred channel, offering four reasons why it is an undesirable transit. The course will give you the knowledge to make a decision that is right for your particular circumstances – which will be different for each Rip crossing.

Based on numerous crossings, extensive research, and private conversations with the Deputy Harbour Master and Senior Controllers, we dispel some of the myths (such as the need to contact VTS), and offer a deeply informed guide to navigating the Rip.

Take the first two lessons for free.

Rip Resources

Rip Guide

Lessons: 5 lessons

Duration: Approx. 45 mins

Cost: $28